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To be part of GLO is so much more than attending SUNDAY GATHERINGS as this makes up such a small part of who we are. However, we recognise that having a moment in the week set aside to be together as we pursue all that God has for us is really important.


Our SUNDAY GATHERINGS will contain elements that demonstrate our core values of WORSHIP, INTIMACY and GENEROSITY.


During this season our gatherings have changed and now take place LIVE and online. Our gatherings are interactive and have features for all the family. There remains a great opportunity to connect with each other during the gatherings via the comments section and afterwards in our Coffee & Zoom break out rooms.


For now our Sunday gatherings will be streamed live on facebook


Stream starts at 10:15am and we go #Live at 10:30am


All invited

Pre recorded content including worship, prayer, bible stories, challenges and craft


COFFEE & ZOOM // 11:30AM

The Zoom code is shared in our closed facebook group at 11:30 AM for security reasons.

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